See it HERE

77 responses to “BLIMPO BOOK TRAILER!

  1. Thats one of the most epic book trailers I have ever seen.

  2. Wow. Did the folks at random house make this, or is it fan made?
    Either way, it’s rather good.

    By the way, who put music to your lizard song?

    It also plays on your website… right, you probably knew that.

    • Random House did it…but that would be cool if a fan had the energy and free-time to do book trailers for me! That’s my music. I recorded some Heck songs on my Mac. For some reason, Random House saw fit to use it.

  3. Dale –

    I’m writing something right now. I want to ask something of you – You mentioned before that you usually have a ten-page outline before you start to write. Would you recommend that I do something like that before beginning, and if so, what sort of things should be in it? Thanks.


    • Hi Jordan,
      It doesn’t need to be ten pages. It can be as long as it needs. I’d recommend at least three pages, since most stories can be organized into “acts,” usually three (beginning, middle, end/set-up, confrontation/obstacle, resolution). It would read sort of how you would explain a story to a friend (“and then this happened, then this happened, and then this happened”). Just sort of a high-level description of your story so that you can work out the plot before you begin to really write.

      • Okay, thanks for the reply. I’ll probably try to decide what the overall story is before I start to add the little details. I already have a pretty good idea on what’s going to happen…

        And then… most likely I’ll write. If you’re interested I’d like to maybe show you some of it as I get it done… Or not. Either way, thanks.

      • Oh, and I’m pretty sure my idea is better than Algernon Cole’s “Chicken Pants.” ; )

  4. Oh, also, I have a question about your books.
    In Rapacia, how is it that the Grabbit “hypnotizes” Marlo? I’m assuming it’s some sort of control, of course, but it might not be – just curious.

    • The Grabbit is the epitome of pure greed, and with his eerie vibration he can make kids “itch” with the want to have, and his cryptic rhymes also have a brain-washing effect, robbing the kids of any good judgment they have (and, considering the kids in Rapacia, that’s not saying a lot).

  5. And… I’m writing. I have five chapters written, ranging in short length (six pages) to very short length (two pages). But I don’t think length measures the quality of a story, so I’m going to try not to keep track of that.

    And I’m happy with the way it’s turning out so far. This is an idea I’ve had in my head since…let’s see, fourth grade…that I’ve wanted to get written down . It’s expanded greatly, of course, since its original fourth-grade-mind version.

    I’m happiest when writing typically. I don’t know if I mentioned this earlier, but this school year I entered a state writing competition with a four-page entry (limit 5 pages). I won for all 9th graders in my school, then all 9th graders in my county… however, I found the state winner list online recently and my name was sadly absent.

    I was happy that it even got that far; I didn’t think it was that great. Considering I wrote a horror story about a clown.

    I’ll most likely enter again next year. : )

  6. so.. im not sure if this questions been answered already so if it has, my bad, but is there any specific release date for blimpo? besides just “july” 🙂

    • Hello Death Eater (nice to have my ex-wife on the blog),
      Blimpo-in a testament to the Random House publicity machine-has been out since May. It is a big fat yellowish book. March immediately to your local store (it need not be a bookstore…in fact, it would be more impressive if it weren’t) and DEMAND BLIMPO! I believe all of the books will now be released in late Spring. I’m not sure. Though, as work is slow-going on the fifth, I could use the extra couple of months!

      • haha thanks
        cant wait to see the look on their faces when i “demand blimpo” haha
        p.s. kudos to your ex-wife working for voldemort i hear he pays well this time of year 🙂

  7. Just out of curiosity, do you ever get writer’s block? If so, how do you deal with it?

    • Yes, sometimes, but I can always seem to write through it. It’s more like a writer’s pothole that just slows me down, more than all-out stops me. Everybody says to just stop and do something else when that happens, but I almost never do. I’m a masochistic and just keep banging my head against the screen. Somedays it’s just effortless and fun. But mostly it’s the discipline of squirming in your chair even though you’d like to be somewhere, anywhere else.

  8. Whoa, awesome trailer! It would be so cool if there were trailers for books like there are for movies, but I guess publishing companies don’t have as humongous a budget as movie companies >P

    I just started reading Blimpo, and it looks to be just as bizzarely awesome as the rest of the series! I can’t wait to see who the teachers are. I always feel so cultured when I get the references (Kerouac and beat culture, haha. I bet he’d be a hipster if he were alive today :P). Anyway, I really hope you do get to write books for all nine circles, even if it takes another ten years. Heck’s the only series I’ve read that has puns that are actually funny. I’m glad you got published.

    • Thanks Marsy! I have seen some very cool book trailers but the one for Blimpo is one of the best (I can say that and not be arrogant because I didn’t have anything to do with it…other than the music…and the book, of course). Publishers do amazing things for about a millionth of what a movie trailer costs…maybe even less! I hope you enjoy Blimpo. My favorite part of writing the series (apart from the checks) is the teachers and staff, since I don’t really have to make up stuff out of nothing. I actually have a real live…well, at one time anyway…person to work with and imagine how they are dealing with being dead and all. I hope I get to write all nine books too…I have them all mapped out. I’m pretty sure Random House wouldn’t dump me after six books, though I’ve been dumped before. I’m glad the puns aren’t too painful. I like puns as much as the next guy, but—to be clear—Heck itself is crowded with puns, so I’m just writing about the place with authenticity by including so many of them. Thanks for the nice note!

  9. Dale,

    What is the next book after Blimpo? You mentioned somewhere along the line that there would be 9 books. Will it be one for every circle of heck? One last thing: On the Heck website (very cool by the way), is that you singing: “If you lived a life so bad…” Also, is that you singing Damian’s song?

    A reader of your book,

    • Hi Matt,
      The next book (Heck 4) is Fibble and will be out, I believe, Spring 2011. And I am hoping that there will be a book for each of the Nine Circles of Heck. Thanks about the website! I am in the process of trying to get it updated since it has been the same degree of cool for a couple of years. And that is indeed me singing. I like to write music and am constantly looking for excuses to do so.

  10. I had a dream last night that they made a Heck movie and changed Milton’s name to Mickey.

  11. Hey Dale,
    I’m writing something at the moment, I’m about four chapters (22 or so pages) in. Rather than do your “outline” suggestion, I found something else that seems to work for me – Before each chapter, I write skimpy, not-fully-formed notes that outline the main events of that chapter. It’s far easier than writing as I go, but it doesn’t really limit me to do exactly what I had planned, because I don’t have everything planned, and even what I do have planned is sometimes changed around.

    Still, it’s something that works for me. Or so I think.


    • That’s great! Sometimes I do something similar with note cards—I love note cards–which allows me to put in all the bits that I want for each specific chapter, then move them around if I need to. A great writing program called Scrivener allows you to do something like this, though nothing really beats actual cards.

  12. I just finished Blimpo, and it is by far the funniest so far. I have 3 questions, though. In the GOD chapter, you mentioned there were 7 seats, but there were 8 angels. Also, did Satan appear in the Paranor Mall? You know, those mirror things? And did Lyon’s parents ever teach her manners?

    • Hi! Thanks for the kind words about Blimpo. I’m glad you think it’s the funniest. Hopefully that will be a trend for the series! For question one, I only counted seven angels: Michael, Zadkiel, Raguel, Rafael, Sariel, Gabriel, and Uriel. Is there an eighth? I’m not great with stuff like that so an angel might have get left out…or perhaps is forced to flutter around the table. 2) Satan appeared through the Psychomanteum in the Paranor Mall, yes. 3) Yes, I know those mirror things…oh, maybe this was just a clarification of the last question. 4) (or 3) Lyon’s parents are so busy working to make way too much money to support her ridiculous lifestyle that, no, they never taught her any manners…or even hired a nanny to teach her manners! That’s probably why she is, you know, DOWN THERE.

  13. Dear Dale,

    first of all I just wanted to say that your books are some of the best I’ve read. Also, I thought there was seven circles in Heck, not nine. Where did you come up with the idea for Heck?

    • Hi Nikki! What a coincidence: I seem to have the same website as you! First of all, I have to say that your post is the best I’ve read all day! Seriously, thanks for the nice note. I saw a blog post the other day that called Heck poorly executed, so I prefer to believe you as you are obviously smarter! And there are 9 Circles in Heck. Seven seems like a nicer number (seventh heaven, and it being “lucky”). Nine seems more sinister, somehow. Like the number of lives cats have. Creepy. And, in Dante’s Inferno, there are nine circle of Hell, so it seems only fitting to have nine. I came up with the idea for Heck when I was really wanting to do a book for younger readers. I had been a journalist and advertising writer, even did a couple of bad screenplays, but really wanted to do a book and-considering my dark sense of humor-it had to be equal parts creepy and funny. A friend of mine wanted to do a cartoon about Satan, so I started thinking about the underworld and all, and the idea of Heck popped into my head. I fleshed it out by imposing a lot of my experiences in middle school: my notion of Heck on Earth. So that was the seed. The rest just sort of unfolded as I dug deeper into the material. Thanks again for your note!

  14. Um…what exactly is the deal with Precocia? Is growing too fast even a sin?! And shouldn’t Sadia be after Dupli-City, if it’s the worst one? And there’s a problem with the Heck quiz on your website. It sorted me into Fibble, but I’ve never told a lie in my life. *shifty eyes*

    • Yes, growing too fast is a sin. It’s squandering the gift of childhood. And Sadia, while the most violent of the circles of Heck, is still a close second in awfulness due to the surgical deceit and shifty-eyed treachery of Dupli-City. Sadia is like the worst tantrum ever, but Dupli-City is the skill to turn that tantrum into something keen, sharp, and cutting: delivered so swiftly and sneaky that you never hear it coming. And the fact that you said you’ve never told a lie in your life pretty much assures you a place in Fibble.

  15. Do you think that after you release Dupli-City, you can release Chicken Pants as a supplement to the series?

    • I, in a colossal lapse of judgment, believe I pitched just that notion to my editor. If I remember correctly, I believe her response was “no.” But I’m sure that by the time Dupli-City comes out, I will be so powerful and important that I could either buy Random House outright, or enact legislation favorable to releasing a book a stupid as Chicken Pants. Maybe I will include that action as a condition of my will, so that my heirs (my collection of naked mole rats) will have to contend with getting Chicken Pants published before they reap the Basye Hundreds.

  16. Hey Dale. After re-re-reading the Heck books that are out so far, I remembered that I want to translate Virgil’s song from Blimpo. I had asked my sister to translate it, because she knows French and Italian, but she refused to. Being overly curious, I went onto Google translations and translated it. Where did you get this song? Is it a real song, or composed for the book?

    • Hi Hazell!
      Why did your sister refuse to translate it? Are you two having problems? Maybe she’s jealous of you. That’s probably it. She obviously resents your inquiring mind, and perhaps other things. I would watch her if I was you. The song in question is an aria from Charles Gounod’s opera of Faust, about an aging scholar, determined that his studies have come to nothing and have only caused him to miss out on life and love. He attempts to kill himself (twice) with poison but stops each time when he hears a choir. He curses science and faith, and asks for infernal guidance. Méphistophélès (Satan) appears and persuades Faust to buy Méphistophélès’s services on earth in exchange for Faust’s in Hell. With Faust transformed into a handsome young gentleman, the strange companions set out into the world.

  17. That’s really cool! And it’s also great, how it ties in with the books. How long did it take for you to come with names for all the characters, like Bea “Elsa” Bubb (Beelzebub, so happy I understand!) and Milton/Marlo Fauster and all that?

    • Coming up with the names for all the characters is one of the most fun aspects of writing for me. I want the names to be interesting, and ideally “mean” something (Virgil is Dante’s guide in his poem The Inferno, Fauster from Faust, etc.), though not be too silly so that the name overpowers the character (sometimes I can’t resist, though). One great resource for coming up with interesting names for secondary characters is email Spam. Some of the names I get are wonderful!

  18. Hi its nikki again! I just wanted to know when you think your last book is gonna come out? If you keep writing one every year the last one would come out when im 19! I got my friend to start reading your books! One more thing, the tour thing isn’t working on your website.

  19. Dear Dale,
    I’m on only the first book but so far, I love the book. Marlo is my favorite charater. My friend Nikki (has written here before) interdouced me to the serises so good luck to you on your other book.

  20. Dear Dale,

    Marlo is awsome! And I just Wanted to know when you think your last book will come out? If you write one every year i’ll be 19 when it comes out. but i’ll read it anyway. sorry about the website thing I got confused.

  21. Dear Dale,
    I’m onely on the first book but so far, I love the book. Marlo is my favorite charater. My friend Nikki (has written here before) interdouced me to the books so good luck to you on your other book.

  22. Hi Dale!

    The website’s layout has changed a tiny bit, if I noticed correctly! It looks much neater… the comments being at the bottom of the posts…

    All very interestin’ stuff… But I still want to see a Heck movie in the future.

    If they made a movie of such books like Eragon, and Diary of Wimpy Kid, and why not yours?

    Because honestly, your books are better than those.

  23. Hi Dale!

    The website’s layout has changed a tiny bit, if I noticed correctly! It looks much neater… the comment links being at the bottom of the posts…

    All very interestin’ stuff… But I still want to see a Heck movie in the future.

    If they made a movie of such books like Eragon, and Diary of Wimpy Kid, and why not yours?

    Because honestly, your books are better than those. If you don’t mind hearing that.

    I’m sorry if you disagree, but I did not like Eragon much at all… and I’m a voracious reader.

    And Diary of a Wimpy Kid is clever and fun, but is not a “real book”… It doesn’t compare plot-wise.

  24. Hi Jordan,
    I just did a mass email to everyone who had left messages on this blog, regardless of location. You can unsubscribe if you don’t wish to receive any more in the future.

  25. Oh wow! There really is going to be a book signing? I am going to drag my friend, Katie (new Heck reader), to it whether she likes it or not!

  26. And I think you just cured all of the pain from my two teeth-pullings! I just forgot that only minutes ago, I was moaning for some ibuprofen! See! Heck books CAN be perscripted painkillers and anti-depressents!

    • That is intensely strange. I’ve been accused of being a mental case, but a dental case? That’s a first. I have been known to put people to sleep, but numb tooth pain? Cool! Glad I can sort of help. Hopefully you didn’t pull the teeth yourself…

  27. Oh no. I entrusted my own dentist to that honor, but unfortunately had to endure the mental scarring of having my future dental hygenist sister (not the many language speaking one) to “oversee” the procedure. Having the dentist talk to her about everything he was doing at the time was only slightly reassuring. Also, Katie says she would be delighted to come, and I am actually sure she is sincere as she is sitting right next to me. We just got finished listening to the Heck theme song six times in a row 🙂

  28. Hi Mr. Dale! I literally just finished Blimpo and was blown away by your quirky work. It is truly the most imaginative, fantasical series I’ve had the pleasure to come across in the past few years. Your tale boldly goes where so many children’s authors’ stories are afraid to venture: Heck, h-e-2xhockey sticks, and back again. I saw that there is going to be a movie based on your series and I really want to somehow be involved. Are there going to be any open auditions?

    • Thank you Kim! I appreciate your keen feedback. You have given me the motivation to tackle another chapter today! As far as the film goes, I’m not really kept in that loop. I don’t know when, or if, there will be any auditions, but if there are, I will be sure to alert all of you good (and even not-so good) people!

  29. My goodness! If I had any skills in drama or acting whatsoever, I would audition right away! Unfortunately, the only thing I can do in front of people is talk and play the fiddle. No matter how many people think I am too old for it, I will see it! You should of seen the look of dismay on my face as the Border’s employee chauffeured me out of the section with the Heck books, saying I had “graduated” from that area. I will never be shaken by public opinion!

  30. Same! That was a boost of self-esteem. Thank you Dale!

  31. I’m just doing this comment so I can check the box “Send me site updates”.

  32. There is going to be a Heck movie? Officially?

    SWEET! Dale, you’re growing more popular by the second! Please post a site or something I could go to for more information! Most likely there’s not much, as auditions haven’t even taken place.

    But anyway. Is it going to be live-action? Animated? CGI animated?

    I’m kind of excited now!

  33. Yep.

    Not that I would know about that, but I’m agreeing anyway.

    Either way, they had better not ruin one of the coolest books ever! I don’t think they will, though.

    You could compose, Dale!

    And, speaking of music, I know it’s been approximately three years, but I finally got a YouTube account… when I film myself playing my (crappily-written) song, I will put it up and you can laugh at me! But still, it’s nice that a fan would do that, am I right?

  34. Oh wow, let me see the vid too, Jordan! By the by, Dale, could I have a little more information on the book signing? I have something going on at ten to three, so would there be enough time to hear the reading and get a sig?

    • Hi Hazelle,
      Unfortunately, the readings usually last for an hour, and then I stay for another half hour or so to sign books, so the timing might be tight for you. I will also be at Wordstock in downtown Portland in early October if you can’t make it Saturday.

  35. Oh, well that’s okay. The time for where I am going is flexible, so I should be able to stay for the whole hour and a half if I really wanted too (which I might :)!

  36. Hey there! The book signing was great; Beatrice is still a little bit creepy though. I do have to watch out for the noises she makes! Katie enjoyed it, and so did my mother. She may have enjoyed it enough to read the books! Nice to see you at the movies, Hazelle.

    • Thanks! And, yes, Beatrice is very creepy. I only give out prizes of things I don’t want any more. And there was a time when a rabid teddy bear made sense in my life, but after a rude awakening one night with her in the bed, it is time for her to move on. If she creeps you out too much maybe you can “gift” her to random person in your life, or just mail her anonymously to someone you blindly pick in the phone book. Was your mom at the reading? And it was nice to see you at the movies too! I was all like “I KNOW that girl!” The wife and I had just seen Scott Pilgrim, which could be my favorite film of the year, if not the past few years.

  37. Hilarious! I will consider that movie; I had just seen “Vampires Suck” with my Twilight freak friend, and it was a bit of a disappointment despite my eternal hatred for vampires. Yes, my mom was sitting at a safe distance in the back by the aisle, where she was quite entertained.

  38. I was thinking about this…

    I wrote (kinda sorta) an instrumental song, when I realized something…

    You weren’t expecting lyrics, were you? 😦

  39. That would be cool! We could get Hazelle (because she has a cool name) to help as well!

  40. Uh, sure! Though I am probably the worst singer, I could help with lyrics! Like writing a poem, right? Cool!

  41. Speaking of the arts and such, I have been thinking of doing some sort of project, like a “Where Has This Heck Book Been?” sort of deal. My sister is moving to Rome, Italy, and is most likely planning to travel a lot. I could take pictures and send them to you wherever the book goes, and maybe Beatrice can take a little trip away from home to add humour to it all. I think it would be a great way to promote the Heck books, and have fun doing it all.

    • That would be incredibly cool! A Travels with Heck travelogue kind of thing…I like Beatrice being the spokes-creature. I need to update my reading presentation this fall and that would be a wonderful addition! Let me know if you need anything from me to make this happen!

  42. Thank you kindly, dear sir, for you comment on my blog. I will gladly continue to spread the word of your most extraordinary piece of fiction. With great eagerness do I await the next installment, so I can start screaming at people to buy that one too.

    • Do not encourage my unseemly behavior at my shamelessly self-aggrandizing commentary! Seriously, I am currently struggling to finish the fifth Heck book, and happening upon such shrewd and positive words gives me the motivation to plow onward! Rapacia: The Second Circle of Heck came out last summer, Blimpo: The Third Circle of Heck came out this May. Fibble: the Fourth Circle of Heck (so far my personal favorite) comes out May 2011! Thanks again, “Steinho”!

  43. Well, another book signing, huh!

    Do you enjoy those?


    I went into Borders today, and in the B author section, all they had of your series was one measly copy of Blimpo! How are new readers supposed to get into your books when we have such appalling bookstores as these that do not have the first two installments?

    I should have demanded that they order more copies and put them on the shelf, huh? : )

    • It is an outrage most odious! I have mixed feelings when encountering the situation you describe. Some stores have tons of Heck books, and then I think “no one is buying them” while others have one or none and then I think “No one can buy my books!” It is all very strange and I depend on people like YOU to harangue and otherwise harass local bookstores about this most vexing problem!

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